My predecessor set up code as follows:
1. Menu Item has click event which calls User Question form.
2. Question Form has click event which calls message form.
3. Message form Displays message ie "Please wait while Processing is Being
and in the Timer event of that form contains the function call to do
processing. The timer interval is set to 1000.
Isn't this an incorrect method, since the code should only execute once, and
the timer would have it continually execute ?
Also, if you wanted to keep the same method of coding, calling up forms to
gather user information and display work in process messages, could it be
done by leaving item #1 as is and in #2 code something like this in the click
DoCmd.Openform("Processing Message")
Execute function to process data
I tried the above code but it didn't seem to function correctly. The
processing message should cancel out the form in item # 1, then when the
function to process data is complete, all forms should close and return to
the main menu.
1. Menu Item has click event which calls User Question form.
2. Question Form has click event which calls message form.
3. Message form Displays message ie "Please wait while Processing is Being
and in the Timer event of that form contains the function call to do
processing. The timer interval is set to 1000.
Isn't this an incorrect method, since the code should only execute once, and
the timer would have it continually execute ?
Also, if you wanted to keep the same method of coding, calling up forms to
gather user information and display work in process messages, could it be
done by leaving item #1 as is and in #2 code something like this in the click
DoCmd.Openform("Processing Message")
Execute function to process data
I tried the above code but it didn't seem to function correctly. The
processing message should cancel out the form in item # 1, then when the
function to process data is complete, all forms should close and return to
the main menu.