Thanks for your reply.
Now just for curiosity; It seems to me as if it should be possible to
do this. (calling c# dll via c-style dll exports/calling conventions).
I would imagine that you could /start/ the dll the same way that the OS
/starts/ a normal .net exe.
What I mean by this is that the dll that you just made with c# should
as a compiler extra export some functions in the 'extern "C" ' style,
really by just wrapping some attributed functions.
When you call these functions with the c calling convention from just
about anywhere else, they will know to invoke the mscore dll, start the
runtime, do the parameter translation thing etc and run the "exported"
function/method /normally/ as if it really was a c dll as seen from the
You would obviously be limited in that you will not have access to your
c#/.net classes as such in that you will be confined to calling public
static methods, but this /is/ usefull.
At least from my limited perspective this should/can be implimented
similarly to how normal COM Interop is implimented since really the
same process is taking place.
Friendly Regards
Pieter Breed