I need a function call in my xml web service. I have an old win32 dll and i
have created a class to have my declaration in.
Imports System.Runtime.InteropServices
Public Class Win32
End Class
Public Class myClass
Dim objW32 as new Win32()
sRet = objW32.myFunction()
End Class
If i declare the library with:
Declare Function calcular_firma Lib "c:\VInetRT\componentes\libtpv.dll" (
....params...) as short
i get ERROR: 91 "Referencia a objeto no establecida como instancia de un
mmm ... i guess this is like: "Object not set ..."
And if i use the declaration:
<DllImport("c:\VInetRT\componentes\libtpv.dll")> _
Public Function calcular_firma( ...params... ) As Short
End Function
i get: ERROR 5: "Error: el elemento PInvoke (campo,método) debe ser
Something like "PInvoke element must be static"
Did anybody deales with this ??
Thank you in advance
I need a function call in my xml web service. I have an old win32 dll and i
have created a class to have my declaration in.
Imports System.Runtime.InteropServices
Public Class Win32
End Class
Public Class myClass
Dim objW32 as new Win32()
sRet = objW32.myFunction()
End Class
If i declare the library with:
Declare Function calcular_firma Lib "c:\VInetRT\componentes\libtpv.dll" (
....params...) as short
i get ERROR: 91 "Referencia a objeto no establecida como instancia de un
mmm ... i guess this is like: "Object not set ..."
And if i use the declaration:
<DllImport("c:\VInetRT\componentes\libtpv.dll")> _
Public Function calcular_firma( ...params... ) As Short
End Function
i get: ERROR 5: "Error: el elemento PInvoke (campo,método) debe ser
Something like "PInvoke element must be static"
Did anybody deales with this ??
Thank you in advance