Caller ID troubles

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We are running Windows Server 2003 and using the shared Fax service built-in.
Works great except for a caller id problem. The modem is a MultiTech
Systems MT5634SMI-V92 (4 port internal).

Basically, the caller ID info is not being captured by the Fax service. The
email, logs, etc... all indicate "Caller ID:" with no info after this header.

We have confirmed that the modem is receiving the Caller ID info by doing

1- disable one of the modem ports
2- at cmd prompt:
type com4:
3- modem activity will now display in cmd window
4- call modem ... get response


any ideas??
We're still fighting this problem ... see my 12/20/04 post to this NG.
HOWEVER, we're getting close to solution.

1. Be sure AT#CID=1 initialization to modem. We're doing 10 in our case.

2. Easy to check ring-ring with HyperTerminal listening to port.

3. Our log file of modem initialization shows that our AT#CID=10 is being sent
to modem. BUT, for as-yet-unknown reason, AT#CID=1 is being sent immediately
afterwards. See 11:41:46.663 below. Think FaxService is doing it ...

<snip preceding>
01-18-2005 11:41:46.473 - Sending user initialization commands.
01-18-2005 11:41:46.483 - Send: AT#CID=10<cr>
01-18-2005 11:41:46.653 - Recv: <cr><lf>OK<cr><lf>
01-18-2005 11:41:46.653 - Interpreted response: OK
01-18-2005 11:41:46.653 - Waiting for a call.
01-18-2005 11:41:46.663 - Send: at#cid=1<cr>
01-18-2005 11:41:46.834 - Recv: <cr><lf>OK<cr><lf>
01-18-2005 11:41:46.834 - Interpreted response: OK
01-18-2005 11:41:46.844 - Send: ATS0=0<cr>
01-18-2005 11:41:47.014 - Recv: <cr><lf>OK<cr><lf>
01-18-2005 11:41:47.014 - Interpreted response: OK
<end log>

This log file is in C:\Windows (at least on our W2K3 Server). Get to it by CP |
Phone & Modem Options | Modems tab | rt-click your modem | view log.

Hope this helps!
It's possible that the fax server is either not seeing your modem as a
fax modem, or is using the wrong (or old) driver and does not include
the CID initialization string. Look at your modem log, as Alan
suggested, and see what it says. You'll probably find that the fax
server is overriding any initialization strings you've put in to turn
the caller-id on.
I called MultiTech to confirm the latest driver version and we're OK
there. I think it may somehow be related to the .inf file that is read
during modem initialization. In windows\inf, i see 5634.INF but I'm
not sure how to determine which inf file the modem is using and/or when
it is actually read. In addition, even if the 5634.INF is the correct
file and is being loaded, I don't see anything that is obviously

I also found some mention of the unimodem driver on a different forum
site that may be creating some problems.

thanks for any info -
Not a problem.. we are having the same issue with a DIGI modem. I even
have extra settings in, but it's pulling CID=1 (in this case we want
CID=10) from the .inf file. However, when I change the .inf file and
reboot, it still shows up as CID=1.. so microsoft fax is getting it from
someother place! AHHHHH!

To find out which inf file is being read.. turn on modem logging in the
control panel-->modem options... then reboot or start fax, to make it
initialize the modem. Look at the modem log (right click modem and go
to view-log)... it will say which INF file it is using in there.. check
it out.. but if you are like me, microsoft fax seems to already have
read the value once and saved it.

Funny thing is.. I can't figure out where it is saving it to.. I've
searched the registry and everything.. no sign of it.

i traced our init file down to a file named oem8.inf
it's fairly easy to interpret ... ive even modified it enough to
actually get the caller id info to show up in the modem log!!!

our (hopefully) last issue with this is getting that info passed along
to the built-in service interface (ie. email, on-screen, etc...)

when the modem answers, the log has an entry like this:

01-19-2005 11:46:58.078 - Recv:
01-19-2005 11:46:58.078 - Unknown Response
01-19-2005 11:47:03.484 - Recv: <cr><lf>RING<cr><lf>

when i go to the oem8.inf, i see a section regarding callerid handling
and the EXPECTED response strings -- it looks like this:

HKR, EnableCallerID, 1,, "at+vcid=1<cr>"
HKR,, CallerIDPrivate,, "P"
HKR,, CallerIDOutside,, "O"
HKR, Responses, "<cr><lf>DATE=<cr><lf>", 1, 93, 00, 00,00,00,00,
HKR, Responses, "<cr><lf>TIME=", 1, 94, 00, 00,00,00,00,
HKR, Responses, "NMBR=", 1, 95, 00, 00,00,00,00, 00,00,00,00
HKR, Responses, "NAME=", 1, 96, 00, 00,00,00,00, 00,00,00,00
HKR, Responses, "MESG=", 1, 97, 00, 00,00,00,00, 00,00,00,00
HKR, Responses, "<cr><lf>DRON=<cr><lf>", 1, 91, 00,
00,00,00,00, 00,00,00,00
HKR, Responses, "<cr><lf>DROF=<cr><lf>", 1, 92, 00,
00,00,00,00, 00,00,00,00

i THINK the problem is that the expected response is the block above is
not properly formatted .... in other words, since the actual response
will have variable data it somehow needs to handle wildcards ... i
suspect that the format is generally correct, but missing something or
has something not quite right
anyone else have a sample inf file that works w/caller id?