Caller ID and adsl filters


Crunchy Cat
Jun 1, 2006
Reaction score
Hi there guys,

We've been noticing that our BT caller ID is not working - we thought it was due to rather ageing equipment, so bought a new phone, however, it STILL isn't working.

Do you think this could be due to the adsl filters the phone equipment plugs into? Is it the same for any of you please?

Thanks for reading :D

we have caller id and asdl filters. never had a problem. these are so widespread now i cannot imagine there would be issues. i suggest you bite the bullet and go on hold with bt for a couple of hours and ask them. at least you have a new phone, so hopefully speaker phone option so you can at least go and make a cup of tea while waiting to get through to bt ;-)
Hi there,

Yes, you could be right about having a word with BT... although just a short while ago, whilst trawling around the Net, I saw that another person was commenting about Caller ID not working whilst their broadband is connected. So maybe there are issues with some lines/equipment - although I'm only guessing :nod:

(What a lovely cat, by the way :D )
aye, mine it workie ok'y ... no problem with caller ID & filters

Maybe your ISP has them pegged. :D
Ooh...not looking good :( think I see some experiments on the horizon tomorrow ;)
'Morning guys :wave:

I have been trolling around and some people seem to be saying that the microfilters have caused problems with their phone equipment. So further searches have come up with filters which are tagged as being completely compatible with Caller ID, etc. There are even some very nice pix of their "gubbins" HERE.

As, in this instance, I don't really know my capacitors from my transistors :rolleyes: can one of you knowledgeable and most esteemed... (okay, okay, I was only trying to build up your egos so that I get a reply ;) ) .... ahem, could any of you please cast an eye over the link, if you have a moment, and comment on whether it's all a load of hobnobs, designed to baffle the unwary with science? Or are some of these really better than the others?

Currently, I'm using one filter which was supplied with the DG834 v3 router and another, which came from the DIY down the road.

Thank you again for taking a look, I really appreciate it :)
Currently the XF-1e Professional micro-filter is the only one that we have given a 5 star rating to. You would be forgiven for thinking that's just because it's our filter, but the truth is that we have given it this rating because it really is unbeaten for compatibility.
Mine is better than yours ... :D

While I can follow and understand a circuit diagram and components, it's been a very long time since I did any real work with them ... I'll defer from comment until Floppy has had a looksee.

We are dealing with computer here, nothing is compatible. ;)

I seem to remember someone has a very old BT socket termination in their house ... not sure who that is though.

muckshifter said:
I seem to remember someone has a very old BT socket termination in their house ... not sure who that is though.

Er... that would be me (raising hand and looking embarrassed :D) However, the caller ID always worked with the old socket thingy - we've had the ID feature for years. It's only since getting ADSL that it failed (but we blamed the phone equipment, because that was getting a bit old :p )

Thank you for the answer anyway Mucks :thumb:
I would say you probably do fall under the category's of one of the few that do have a problem with ordinary filters ... I will say, however, that BT should have changed your in-house terminator to a more up-to-date thingamebob.

Try 0845 600 7020 to start off ... ;)

muckshifter said:
I would say you probably do fall under the category's of one of the few that do have a problem with ordinary filters ... I will say, however, that BT should have changed your in-house terminator to a more up-to-date thingamebob.

Try 0845 600 7020 to start off ... ;)


Thanks for that number Mucks :thumb: I will have a word with them in a day or two... right at the moment, they wouldn't be able to get to that socket-thingy, because the room is a bit chaotic. We have been putting up some shelves (hee hee, guess who was allowed to "play" with the electric drill... yay!!) :D