
  • Thread starter Thread starter Jason
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I have writen an Outlook 2007 Addin using ALT / C++, I have been tring to
find out how I can implement a callback for when the user creates a new
email, I also need callbacks for Sending, Closing and Saving an email. I have
wasted 3 days searching the internet for this infomation. Where can I found
any documentation about this?

Many thanks

Have you tried looking in the Object Browser for the Outlook object model?

Have you looked at the Web site?

There's a very limited amount of information out there that explicitly uses
ATL/C++ with the Outlook object model so most examples will be in VBA, VB6,
VB.NET or C# code. There are some examples using Delphi and some using C++
but not many.

Opening a new email will fire the NewInspector event of the Inspectors

Each item (MailItem in this case) has events you can subscribe to for Close,
Send and Write.
Hi Ken,

Thanks for your reply, I have had a look at the object browser, tes I can
see trhe events I want to handle, but how do I implement then in C++?

The site refers me to this discission group for more

It is possible to do this using c++ so why is is so hard for Microsoft to
document how to do it?


I don't use C++, only VB/VB.NET/C#, so I can't answer specifically. I know
there is at least one sample using C++ on and there are a
few others from MS. I don't have links, you'll have to search out the
samples yourself using something like Google.