Call was rejected by callee

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I am having a problem with a mappoint application. Currently in my
application I have pushpins that move according to GPS locations that are
constantly being updated. Everything seems to work fine but when I start
using the toolbar functions in the mappoint object while tracking/updating
points I always get this following error:

An unhandled exception of type 'System.Runtime.InteropServices.COMException'
occurred in TrackBerryMapPoint.exe
Additional information: Call was rejected by callee.

For example, if i use the location search bar while I'm tracking, the find
dialog box pops up and then everything crashes. I'm using a timer for the
updates of the tracking points and I think that might cause the exception. If
anyone has an suggestions I'd appreciate it very much.

Only a guess, but maybe the mechanics of MapPoint do not allow you to update
PushPin locations while other things are happening (eg searching etc.)
Some suggestions:
-- Trap when a search is taking place and disable the timer (remembering to
re-enable it when the search is complete)
-- In the code that re-locates the PushPins, do not execute the code if a
search is taking place. ie
if(MapPoint.SearchActive) then
<Do Nothing>
<Move Pins>
End if

-- You could put the code that moves the pins in a try/catch block and
trap/ignore the specific error that is causing the problem.
in C# (not sure of VB.Net syntax)
<Move Pins>
catch (System.Runtime.InteropServices.COMException ex)
<Unable to move pins at this time...>