Hello using ADP, I have a form that takes user input in various text boxes
that are all unbound (not tied to rowsources) because the inserts need to be
dynamic. There is a checkbock that determines how the record(s) will be
inserted. (unchecked causes single table insert, checked performs a 2 table
insert) How do i code a command button's onclick event procedure to call a
store procedure to do this?
How should I code the SP to perform the double inserts (into different
tables) pulling the autonumer from the first insert to populate a field in
the second insert? Thank you.
that are all unbound (not tied to rowsources) because the inserts need to be
dynamic. There is a checkbock that determines how the record(s) will be
inserted. (unchecked causes single table insert, checked performs a 2 table
insert) How do i code a command button's onclick event procedure to call a
store procedure to do this?
How should I code the SP to perform the double inserts (into different
tables) pulling the autonumer from the first insert to populate a field in
the second insert? Thank you.