Call of Duty: Warzone


Feb 23, 2002
Reaction score
Anyone here playing Call of Duty: Warzone? It's a free to play battle royal game:

I downloaded it a week or two ago, but yet to play anything past the tutorial. It looks like it could be pretty fun, judging from the videos I've seen :).
Yep I play. But only on XB1

Can't get it to work on PC, just crashes. It is full of PC hackers. A plethora of complaints are posted on XBX Warzone review page.
They force crossplay against XBX and PS players leaving little chance of winning because of the hackers on PC.

Just type it in youtube Warzone hackers. Loads come up

For this reason. I hardly ever play it anymore. They constantly change the the gameplay types which winds me up.
No consistency anymore is crap

This clip is a disgrace. Infuriating

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Ah that's a shame that the cross-play experience is like that. Really bugs me when people cheat in online multiplayer, I thought that sort of thing was a thing of the past! I guess when games are free, it means it's easy enough to sign up with different details if an account is banned.

I'm going to try it next weekend and see how it goes :).
The belief is that the Devs insist they use their own in house anti cheat software, which in essence is not up to the task.
Of course they do this to circumvent having to pay fee's/royalties to the owners of the anti-cheat software that is up to the task

We the players suffer because of it.
Now if you download the software you have to register it and use your own phone number in order to play. However what is stopping people using free sims for an account instead then using another sim if they get banned from the previous? None!
Futile behaviour and unthought of anti cheat tech has completely destroyed an otherwise a fantastic game

I was considering trying this but after reading this I probably won't bother.

I've been playing Call Of Duty 4 MP since the day it was released more or less and I really would like to find something else that I enjoy as much.

I bought Battlefield 1 a whiles back cos it was going cheap and I didn't think much of the single player at all so I probably wouldn't try that with MP.