Call of Duty II memory problem

Nov 23, 2005
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Hope someone can help.
i have put CODII on my laptop PC.
When i try to play it i get an error msg saying that my computer does not have enough memory to play it.
I have a shared graphics thing, not a seperate card.
COuld this be why as i have 512mb of ram and loads of free disk space.

Thanks very much
You will definatly need a seperate graphics card to play CoD2, you should be looking at a 6600GT or simulaur.

The error message is going on about you not having enough ram as its shared with your onboard graphics card.
you need more RAM and a decent graphics card, you might be able to upgrade to 1GB of RAM but getting a better grpohics card will be hard because its a laptop
COD2 needs a Direct X9 graphics card. Thats where your problem is. I have a 6800gt, which is definately tested heavily by COD2 - and no integrated graphics even touch a 6600.

Furthermore, COD2 needs 512mb of system RAM and a 256mb graphics card to run properly. It WANTS 1GB of system RAM and a 512mb graphics card.

Integrated graphics cards are made for bare minimum business and internet use. If you want to play games on a PC, you will have to spend as much money on a graphics card as you would expect to spend on a games console.
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