call function from string var

  • Thread starter Thread starter Pendragon
  • Start date Start date


Access 03/winxp

I have a function which sets a string variable to the name of a public
procedure based on a case statement. How do I then execute the procedure
when the procedure name is stored in the string variable?

strGetProc = oCalc.GetRdTemplate(NumberOfTeams)

GetRdTemplate is the function which executes a case statement to determine
which procedure should be run. NumberOfTeams is the integer variable passed
to the function and is the criteria for the case statement.

What is my next line of code to properly execute the procedure now stored in

All possible procedures from the case statement are in the module
mod_NewTourney. I tried

strGetProc = "modNewTourney." & strGetproc
Call strGetProc

and some variations but always get a sub or function not defined error.

Any help is appreciate!!

Happy Holidays!
to run a public function, you can go:

strFunc = "MyFunction()"

eval strFunc

And, to run a sub, you can go:

dim strGetproc as string

strGetProc = "MySubName" strGetProc

So, "eval()" can be use for functions, and Application.Run can be used for

in fact, run can also execute public functions also...

Here's a code example that may help you with your situation:
Public Function FunctionCall()
Dim TheFunction As String
Let TheFunction = GetProcName(1)
Eval (TheFunction)
End Function

Public Function GetProcName(Selection As Integer)
If Selection = 1 Then
GetProcName = "TrialResponse()"
End If
End Function

Public Function TrialResponse()
MsgBox "This is the response.", , "Notice"
End Function
Some key points: Use the Eval function, include the () in the function name
response, don't concern yourself with the module name - the function name
must be unique anyway.

