call a userform



In the project code module I want to call a userform. ProcessChoices is the
name of the form. SSPproject is the name of the Project.
I tried:

Public Sub ProcessChoices()
SSPproject.ProcessChoices Load
End Sub

It doesn't work, how do you load a form?


Are you trying to open a form in a spreadsheet (or addin) from another
spreadsheet or addin? If so then you need to either create a reference to the
project where the form is in the spreadsheet that is trying to load the form.
Tools -> References ->SSPproject.
Call SSPproject.LoadProcessChoices
Or you can use

In either cases in the SSPproject you need to add a procedure to load the
form. The procedure needs to reside in a regular code module.

Public Sub LoadProcessChoices()
end sub


This is weird. What I did works except you can't close Excel afterward. You
have to force quit. Thanks I'll try your idea.

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