Calender templates



I downloaded several calender templates from the MS office website. Now what do I do with them. They do not have the same extension as other templates(.dot). Theirs are .cab. Do I need to install them somehow? I copied them to the correct location and changed their extensions to .dot but that didn't work. any suggestions?

Graham Mayor

CAB files are compressed file holders, a bit like zips. Recent versions of
Windows will open them to allow you to extract the files, however CAB files
usually come with an installer file.

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Graham Mayor - Word MVP

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Tonya Marshall

Graham said:
CAB files are compressed file holders, a bit like zips. Recent versions of
Windows will open them to allow you to extract the files, however CAB files
usually come with an installer file.
I went to the MS template site and tried a few of the calendars. I don't
have Visio, I tried a Visio calendar and, of course it wouldn't open. It
gave me the choice of downloading the file and it came out as a .cab
file. You need to pick a Word, Excel or PowerPoint (if you have it)
calendar if you don't have Visio. You can hover your mouse over the
icons next to the calendars to see which program they are made for.


Thanks for the replies. When I downloaded them I made sure they were for word. Could it be that they are not compatible with Word 97? Also, could the "installer program" be listed separately and I just need to find it and download it also?----- Tonya Marshall wrote: ----

Graham Mayor wrote
CAB files are compressed file holders, a bit like zips. Recent versions o
Windows will open them to allow you to extract the files, however CAB file
usually come with an installer file
I went to the MS template site and tried a few of the calendars. I don't
have Visio, I tried a Visio calendar and, of course it wouldn't open. It
gave me the choice of downloading the file and it came out as a .cab
file. You need to pick a Word, Excel or PowerPoint (if you have it)
calendar if you don't have Visio. You can hover your mouse over the
icons next to the calendars to see which program they are made for

Tonya Marshall

It's been my experience that when I download one it opens in Word and I
save it as a document or template, whichever I decide. It doesn't
download as a file for me.

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