I've been searching for this for a while now, and decided that was time with
some expert help.
I work with my sister and we depend much on each other. Comparing calenders
seems to be the biggest problem of all and we forget it most of the time.
Suddenly one of us say "hey, remember that we have a job tomorow" and the
other goes "uhh.. was that tomorrow?! I was supposed to do something
else..". We've tried to play around with MS Outlook's planning functions,
but since there's no direct sharing-capabilities, but rather just a
webpage-upload option, it didn't work for us.
Do any of you know of a free program that makes it possible to access other
persons calender directly using the internet? Or do I have to study boring
books for a year and learn programming myself?
Any suggestion is rewared with a virtual hug
I've been searching for this for a while now, and decided that was time with
some expert help.
I work with my sister and we depend much on each other. Comparing calenders
seems to be the biggest problem of all and we forget it most of the time.
Suddenly one of us say "hey, remember that we have a job tomorow" and the
other goes "uhh.. was that tomorrow?! I was supposed to do something
else..". We've tried to play around with MS Outlook's planning functions,
but since there's no direct sharing-capabilities, but rather just a
webpage-upload option, it didn't work for us.
Do any of you know of a free program that makes it possible to access other
persons calender directly using the internet? Or do I have to study boring
books for a year and learn programming myself?

Any suggestion is rewared with a virtual hug