


Hi, In Day, Work Week, and Week views, all I see is the month and date on
each heading. What I want to see is the day of the week, the month, then
the date. Can anyone tell me how to get the day of the week to show
(Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, etc.) in these views? I have outlook 2003.

Thanks for your time


Milly Staples [MVP - Outlook]

Set your long date format in control panel->regional settings to dddd, mmmm
dddd yyyy.

Milly Staples [MVP - Outlook]

Post all replies to the group to keep the discussion intact. Due to
the (insert latest virus name here) virus, all mail sent to my personal
account will be deleted without reading.

After furious head scratching, ch asked:

| Hi, In Day, Work Week, and Week views, all I see is the month and
| date on each heading. What I want to see is the day of the week, the
| month, then the date. Can anyone tell me how to get the day of the
| week to show (Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, etc.) in these views? I
| have outlook 2003.
| Thanks for your time
| ch

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