how do i enlarge the available space on my calendar?
kgabay38 said:how do i enlarge the available space on my calendar?
Brian Tillman said:Can you be less vague? What available space where?
kgabay38 said:I have set up the calendar as a reservation system for a small
motel. I have set up each room as a reoccuring appointment, so that
I don't have to input each room number each day. After inputting
about 3/4 of the reservations, a whole row will just disappear.
Brian Tillman said:A whole role of what and where is that row? What view are you using when
you see this? What version of Outlook?
kgabay38 said:It is version Outlook 2003. I have set up each room under a time of
day. Room #1 (the top row) is set up each day as a 6:30 AM
appointment. Room #12 (the bottom row) is set up each day as an
11:00 PM appointment.
Brian Tillman said:I still don't know what view you're using. Day? Week? Work Week? Month?
Brian Tillman said:I still don't know what view you're using. Day? Week? Work Week? Month?
kgabay38 said:It is the day/week/month option, but it shows the full week.
Brian Tillman said:That particular view may have a limit on how many items can be shown on any
one day. Once of the MVPs in this groups can state that for sure.
Sue Mosher said:It varies, depending on the window size and thus on the monitor size and resolution. The limit can't be changed.
Sue Mosher, Outlook MVP
Author of Configuring Microsoft Outlook 2003
and Microsoft Outlook Programming - Jumpstart for
Administrators, Power Users, and Developers
It is not that the window or screen is not large enough, it just completely drops the information from that time slot.