Thanks Brian,
In Office for Students and Teachers (2002) the "Views>Arrange By>Current
View>By Category" doesn't exist, however I did find this weird little icon
for organize (never used it nor knew what it was for) and it gave/gives me
the options to use/change category or view...I was able to view then by
category "holidays" simply delete them all and add them back properly.
I just wish MS would be consistent and not change menus and such on every
single build of the same product.
In fact, this little "organize" button, is awesome, I have already been able
to do things now with the Calendar that I have been trying to do for
years...And mind you, I am(was) certified to teach MS Office, so I'm a bit of
a 'puter geek, but this was making me nucking *uts, I appreciate your help!