Calendar won't sit between months-only shows full months



I'm using Outlook 2002 Home. When viewing the calendar, I can't get it to sit
between months (i.e.- show the last two weeks of September and the first few
weeks October). When I position the screen this way, it will sit there for a
couple of seconds and then shift to show the full month of one or the other
(in the above example, it shifts to only show October). Is there a way to get
the calendar to stop shifting the view and stay where I put it? Thank you!

Vince Averello [MVP-Outlook]

I just tried that in OL2003 and the calendar showed Oct 16 through Nov 19
without changing. Same for Mid-Sept through Mid Oct.

I wonder if it's something that was changed/fixed between OL2002 & OL2003

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