-----Original Message-----
Anyone have a function that creates a calendar template in
the report? The calendar would be based on the date range
the user chooses and include a few fields from a table per
my approach would be to massage the data, not fiddle with
the report. Design the report with a generic 5 week
calendar, number the boxes from 1 to 35 and their fields
as box1line1 box1line2 etc or some similar scheme. Then
create a table with matching design, and a process to
fill in the fields by calculating the box position from
the date (using the dayofweek and day number), and fill
in the fields for each day (by computing the various
field names: newtable("box"&daynum&"line"&linenum) =
appropriatevalue). Use this table for the report
Calculate the position of the first of the month, and
then you can just add the date difference to compute the
positition of subsequent days (index of 3/5/2003 = index
of 3/1/2003 + (3/5/2003 - 3/1/2003).