calendar on startup? + possible to have a marker on current day?

  • Thread starter Thread starter Llama Thumper
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Llama Thumper

just wanted to ask if anyone knows whether its possible to have the
calendar (not outlook today) show up at the start of outlook, and,
secondly, whether generally its possible to have a marker (an 'X', a tick,
a highlighted field, anything!) on the calendar showing what day it is

Don't think you can have it default to start in calendar, but my Outloo
2000, when I select calender, has a "blue" bar across the current day
Tools | Options | Other | Advanced Options -- choose your preferred startup
folder in the dropdown box. Note that if you start Outlook from a shortcut,
the shortcut settings may override what you choose in that dropdown.

Jocelyn Fiorello
MVP - Outlook

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