Calendar of Updates is again announcing an update to Defender.
This time it is 1.18.2621.7
This may, or may not be the version which is "pushed out" from MS using
AU[WU/MU] today IF they do in fact push out an update today.
I am afraid that this is going to cause some confusion to the people who
visit this site and COU.
My guess is that some of the folks at COU are going to the "Malware
Protection Center Portal" on a daily basis and downloading the MPAS-FE.exe to
see if it has been updated.
As WD updates are usually "pushed" out on Tuesdays and Thursdays someone
downloading the MPAS on other days of the week may find a "newer" version
than the one that has been released thru the update channels.
I do not know the "official" status of these "interim" updates but I assume
they are fine [e.g. I doubt if they are beta or something like that].
You will usually find an Announcement of the "officially pushed" out version
here at the Defender site from someone who as updated via AU[WU/MU] or
checked for updates from within Windows Defender itself.
Feed back or corrections on this issue are invited.
Geek w/o Portfolio
This time it is 1.18.2621.7
This may, or may not be the version which is "pushed out" from MS using
AU[WU/MU] today IF they do in fact push out an update today.
I am afraid that this is going to cause some confusion to the people who
visit this site and COU.
My guess is that some of the folks at COU are going to the "Malware
Protection Center Portal" on a daily basis and downloading the MPAS-FE.exe to
see if it has been updated.
As WD updates are usually "pushed" out on Tuesdays and Thursdays someone
downloading the MPAS on other days of the week may find a "newer" version
than the one that has been released thru the update channels.
I do not know the "official" status of these "interim" updates but I assume
they are fine [e.g. I doubt if they are beta or something like that].
You will usually find an Announcement of the "officially pushed" out version
here at the Defender site from someone who as updated via AU[WU/MU] or
checked for updates from within Windows Defender itself.
Feed back or corrections on this issue are invited.
Geek w/o Portfolio