Calendar Entries Disappearing

Oct 15, 2007
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One of our users is tearing their hair out at the moment due to losing years of calendar entries.

Last week, the user found that entries she had made 1-2 years ago had been deleted from her calendar, with the exception of a very selective few.

On Friday, she found out that entries she had made regarding meetings for 2008 had also been deleted with the exception of January, and a selective few up until March.

I've had a look at her settings and cannot see any reason why they should be disappearing. From my knowledge, calendar entries shouldn't disappear unless they are deleted, or archived, neither of which have happened, or should have happened.

We're running Outlook XP 2002 on Exchange Server 2003, Service Pack 3 if that makes any difference?

I know the basics of Outlook, but this seems like a very strange situation.

Has anybody else been in this situation before, or have any idea why future entries may be disappearing without reason?

If you require any further information, please ask.
