Dear All,
Let me share with you the result of our team-work. Together with
Krisztina and Gábor we deveoped a Calendar Class to replace the old
mscal.ocx-based calendar which is not working under 64-bit office!
Here is the link where you can find a detailed description about the
tool and the project, and from where you can download files (the file
used for testing, a simple example of using the class and of course
the class).
We would appreciate if you share your thoughs, experiences with us!
All the best,
Let me share with you the result of our team-work. Together with
Krisztina and Gábor we deveoped a Calendar Class to replace the old
mscal.ocx-based calendar which is not working under 64-bit office!
Here is the link where you can find a detailed description about the
tool and the project, and from where you can download files (the file
used for testing, a simple example of using the class and of course
the class).
We would appreciate if you share your thoughs, experiences with us!
All the best,