Calculus spreadsheet

  • Thread starter Thread starter Blair
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Hey everyone,

I have a math project I am doing. This is what I have to do:

There is a mass attached to a spring. The mass of the block is M and the
spring constant for the spring is k. F(t) represents a force that is applied
at different frequencies upward on the mass. The equations that describe the
behavior of the system are:

(1) Vertical position y of mass: dy/dt = v: where v is the velocity of the
mass in vertical direction.
(2) Velocity of the mass: dv/dt= (f(t)/M) - (k/M)*y.

Let us assume that the external force is: f(t) = 10sin(wt), where w is the
frequency of the applied force.

Set up a spreadsheet in excel that will solve equations (1) and (2) for y(t)
using first order Euler integration. Assume M=2kg, k= 32 kg/s^2, and use
40,000 time steps with each step being 0.0025(M/k)^1/2 seconds. Assume y(0)
and v(0) are zero. Make plots of y(t) versus t for w= 2, 3, 3.5, 4, 4.5, and
5 rad/sec.

I understand this project, but have no idea how to do any of this in excel.
I tried looking up videos, but none of them really helped me out. Do I have
to use VB/ macros? I'm guessing I have to write these equations in, identify
the variables, and have it do the rest. If anyone could point me in the right
direction, that would be appreciated. I'm not asking any of you to solve
this, just asking for some help doing this in Excel. Thank you and Happy