T-pring was the Vulcan bride, T-Pow was the wise old woman.
My favorite episodes are the ones with the CF chips, but
there are many neat shows, the one where Kirk uses a giant
dildo as a weapon to try and bash Rock, the android; and
there is one where Spock uses a WWII era E6b flight
navigation computer to calculate a warp jump.
And then there is the Gary 7 episode with what's her name
getting mad at the auto-typing machine.
Merry Christmas
Have a Safe and Happy New Year
Live Long and Prosper
Jim Macklin
| Knowledge is Power! Thank you, Will and Jim! (Spock, is
| that you? My favorite old Star Trek epi is when Spock
| goes back to Vulcan to mate. "The Amok Time"? What was
| the old wise woman's name? Tpow? Tpring? Cool.) Carol
| >-----Original Message-----
| >If doing START/Run calc makes the program open, most
| likely
| >you have accidentally dragged the program out of the
| >Accessories folder, Start/Search calc.exe it should
| be
| >in C:\WINDOWS\system32\calc.exe
| >
| >You can make a desktop shortcut by right clicking on the
| exe
| >file.
| >
| >If you have deleted the program, use Control
| >Panel/add-Remove Programs, Windows Components to add the
| >accessories again.
| >
| >
| >--
| >Merry Christmas
| >Have a Safe and Happy New Year
| >Live Long and Prosper
| >Jim Macklin
| >| >| Hi
| >|
| >| From Start>Run type
| >|
| >| calc
| >|
| >| Does the Calculator appear then?
| >|
| >| --
| >|
| >| Will Denny
| >| MS-MVP Windows Shell/User
| >| Please reply to the News Groups
| >|
| >|
| >| | >| >I no longer have the calculator on my accessories
| menu.
| >| > How do I find it? How do I put it back? I had a
| recent
| >| > posting about losing Spider Solitaire, and someone
| was
| >| > kind enough to give me the program info to put it
| back.
| >| > Can I find the calculator program myself? Help!
| Carol
| >|
| >|
| >
| >
| >.
| >