Calculations "between" groups sums

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I'm using groups for a number of reports. Now I need to complement my reports
with more sums between the various groupings but is that possible? As an
example we could say that I have something looking like below where I want to
solve the Gross Profit "problem";

Account Account name $
3010 Software Sales 1000
3020 Hardware Sales 2000
Sum Sales 3000

4010 CostGoodsSold 2000
Sum CGS 2000

Gross Profit 1000 (This is an example o a sum i
would like how to create and present "within" the various groups)

5011 Rent of premises 500
5020 Elictricity 50
Sum Other Expenses

and so on....

Thank you for your help / Bell
You need to add another field (like Category) to your table that "groups"
the 3000 accts with the 4000 accts for a final calculation. Use a term that
makes sense...
to your system.
Acct Type Amt Category
3010 SoftwareSales 1000 SalesProfit
3020 HardwareSales 2000 SalesProfit
4010 CostOfGoods -2000 SalesProfit
5011 Rent of premises -500 OverHead
5020 Electricity -50 OverHead

Now you can create a higher break on SalesProfit so that = Sum(Amt)
would yield 1000 in the footer of the SalesProfit group.
Also, it would make it much easier if you expressed Costs as negative, and
Income as positive.