I'm having trouble with a calculation I would like to make. I want to
calculate the difference between a total for this month and a total for
last month. It is easy for me to select the top two records for a
given company using a Select Query, but after that, I do not know what
to do. The aggregate functions do not include one for differences, and
no matter how hard I try, I cannot seem to reference two records from
the same column, in either a query or a form. Access is used for
accounting often, I would think, so there must be a way to do this.
Does anyone know how?
I'm having trouble with a calculation I would like to make. I want to
calculate the difference between a total for this month and a total for
last month. It is easy for me to select the top two records for a
given company using a Select Query, but after that, I do not know what
to do. The aggregate functions do not include one for differences, and
no matter how hard I try, I cannot seem to reference two records from
the same column, in either a query or a form. Access is used for
accounting often, I would think, so there must be a way to do this.
Does anyone know how?