calculation taking too long

  • Thread starter Thread starter yowzers
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Currently I have a sheet where I enter my data and then another sheet within
the same workbook that makes various calculations based on this data. But
every time I enter data, it takes a long time for my formulas to calculate,
upwards of a minute. I am pretty sure this is because my formulas contain
entire columns as ranges (i.e. A:A rather than A1:A100). However I need to
use A:A in my formulas as my data sheet is indefinitely long and I will
continue to add to this over the years. I don't want to have to go back and
change all my formulas to A1:A200 every time my data exceeds the range. Is
there anyway around this so that excel only calculates my formulas based on
cells that have an entry? Or any other way to make this faster?

Assuming there are no empty cells in the range you can use this in a helper
cell ie B1:

="A1:A" & COUNT(A:A)

Then you can use a INDIRECT formula like this:


Hopes this helps.
Slow Now; Speed UP:
Application.Calculation = xlCalculationManual
Application.ScreenUpdating = False
.... ... ...
Application.ScreenUpdating = True
Application.Calculation = xlCalculationAutomatic

Or, if you want to make a Macro fire specifically on one sheet in a workbook:
This will take you to the desired sheet for the range selected.
Just my 2 cents...

When calc time is already not acceptable the last thing you want to do is
use volatile functions.

You can create dynamic ranges in most cases without using volatile
="A1:A" & COUNT(A:A)

Rng refers to:

Perfect, thanks!

T. Valko said:
Yeah, that'll add to calculation time if you're using lots of array formulas
(including SUMPRODUCT).

An array formula (including SUMPRODUCT) will evaluate *every* cell in the
referenced range whether it's within the used range or not.

Use dynamic ranges:

See this for excellent advise/tips on improving efficiency:

Microsoft Excel MVP


Your range in the formula should be A1:A100. To make the range auto
expanding, convert it to a List (or Table in Excel 2007) - Ctrl+L


Ashish Mathur
Microsoft Excel MVP