Below is the expression for calculated control in the group footer of the
Main Report. The fields referred to are contained in seperate subreports. The
problem is that when one or more of the subreports does not contain any
records the calculation returns a null result. The result should always be a
numeric value. Is there another way to accomplish this without exceeding the
maximum for the expression builder. Thanks for your help.
=(IIf(IsError([SubIndexers Error].[Report].[CntPrepErr
txt].[Value]),Null,[SubIndexers Error].[Report].[CntPrepErr
txt].[Value])+IIf(IsError([SubScanners Error].[Report].[ScrErrTot
txt].[Value]),Null,[SubScanners Error].[Report].[ScrErrTot
txt].[Value]))/IIf(IsError([SubPrepping Totals].[Report].[GrdTotal
txt].[Value]),Null,[SubPrepping Totals].[Report].[GrdTotal txt].[Value])
Main Report. The fields referred to are contained in seperate subreports. The
problem is that when one or more of the subreports does not contain any
records the calculation returns a null result. The result should always be a
numeric value. Is there another way to accomplish this without exceeding the
maximum for the expression builder. Thanks for your help.
=(IIf(IsError([SubIndexers Error].[Report].[CntPrepErr
txt].[Value]),Null,[SubIndexers Error].[Report].[CntPrepErr
txt].[Value])+IIf(IsError([SubScanners Error].[Report].[ScrErrTot
txt].[Value]),Null,[SubScanners Error].[Report].[ScrErrTot
txt].[Value]))/IIf(IsError([SubPrepping Totals].[Report].[GrdTotal
txt].[Value]),Null,[SubPrepping Totals].[Report].[GrdTotal txt].[Value])