I would like to calculate the average reading over each 10
minute period from a list of figures taken at 2 second
intervals throughout the day (i.e. 300 readings).
The full list could be upto 36,000 numbers in total.
The list is presented as a column and I would like the
calculation to look at the whole list and ideally to
present the results as a second column.
I will then need to review the calculated column to pick
out any averages that are above a certain reading.
Thanks, Tony
I would like to calculate the average reading over each 10
minute period from a list of figures taken at 2 second
intervals throughout the day (i.e. 300 readings).
The full list could be upto 36,000 numbers in total.
The list is presented as a column and I would like the
calculation to look at the whole list and ideally to
present the results as a second column.
I will then need to review the calculated column to pick
out any averages that are above a certain reading.
Thanks, Tony