Daniel Collison
In a select query, I create a field named "Age at Admit". The value for the
field is derived from the following SQL statement:
SELECT ([tbl Admission Episode]![admit_date]-[tbl Client
Demographics]![DOB])/365 AS [Age at Admit]
FROM [tbl Admission Episode] INNER JOIN [tbl Client Demographics] ON [tbl
Admission Episode].originl_recipient_id = [tbl Client Demographics].recip_rid;
The query returns values that include numbers to the right of the decimal
point. Example: 15.5342465753425
In an update query, I utilized the same logic to update a field in a table.
The sql follows:
UPDATE [tbl Admission Episode] INNER JOIN [tbl Client Demographics] ON [tbl
Admission Episode].originl_recipient_id = [tbl Client Demographics].recip_rid
SET [tbl Admission Episode].[Age at Admit] = ([tbl Admission
Episode]![admit_date]-[tbl Client Demographics]![DOB])/365
WHERE ((([tbl Admission Episode].originl_recipient_id) Is Not Null));
The query updates the table with whole numbers only. Example: 16.00.
I have tried to set the properties for the fields in question in both the
update query and the table to:
Field Size: long integer
Format: Standard
Decimal Places: 2
I still get whole numbers.
Any thoughts on how to remedy the problem?
field is derived from the following SQL statement:
SELECT ([tbl Admission Episode]![admit_date]-[tbl Client
Demographics]![DOB])/365 AS [Age at Admit]
FROM [tbl Admission Episode] INNER JOIN [tbl Client Demographics] ON [tbl
Admission Episode].originl_recipient_id = [tbl Client Demographics].recip_rid;
The query returns values that include numbers to the right of the decimal
point. Example: 15.5342465753425
In an update query, I utilized the same logic to update a field in a table.
The sql follows:
UPDATE [tbl Admission Episode] INNER JOIN [tbl Client Demographics] ON [tbl
Admission Episode].originl_recipient_id = [tbl Client Demographics].recip_rid
SET [tbl Admission Episode].[Age at Admit] = ([tbl Admission
Episode]![admit_date]-[tbl Client Demographics]![DOB])/365
WHERE ((([tbl Admission Episode].originl_recipient_id) Is Not Null));
The query updates the table with whole numbers only. Example: 16.00.
I have tried to set the properties for the fields in question in both the
update query and the table to:
Field Size: long integer
Format: Standard
Decimal Places: 2
I still get whole numbers.
Any thoughts on how to remedy the problem?