calculation between cells in different formats



Hi guys,

I have two columns: the first one is the time worked by an employee
([h]:mm:ss --> f.ex. 170:05:00), the second is the salary paid (f.ex.
I would like to calculate the salary per hour, however, if I do just B2/A2,
it gives me 18626:09:49 (in [h]:mm:ss format), and changing format of the
cell to General or Number gives false figures.
Any idea how to calculate it automatically?

Thanks a lot!



You are a wizard Frank! It works!
Thanks a lot!!


Frank Kabel said:
try multiplying your time value with 24 (Excel stores 1 hour as 1/24)

Frank Kabel
Frankfurt, Germany

Hi guys,

I have two columns: the first one is the time worked by an employee
([h]:mm:ss --> f.ex. 170:05:00), the second is the salary paid (f.ex.
I would like to calculate the salary per hour, however, if I do just
B2/A2, it gives me 18626:09:49 (in [h]:mm:ss format), and changing
format of the cell to General or Number gives false figures.
Any idea how to calculate it automatically?

Thanks a lot!



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M S-Greenaway said:
Hi Gizmo

It a bit long winded but I hope this helps, if anyone has a shorter way of
working this out please let me know


gizmo said:
Hi guys,

I have two columns: the first one is the time worked by an employee
([h]:mm:ss --> f.ex. 170:05:00), the second is the salary paid (f.ex.
I would like to calculate the salary per hour, however, if I do just B2/A2,
it gives me 18626:09:49 (in [h]:mm:ss format), and changing format of the
cell to General or Number gives false figures.
Any idea how to calculate it automatically?

Thanks a lot!


Peo Sjoblom

Can you please stop posting attachments to a non binary newsgroup?

I give you benefits of a doubt if you are new to this


Peo Sjoblom

(No private emails please, for everyone's
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M S-Greenaway said:
Hi Gizmo

It a bit long winded but I hope this helps, if anyone has a shorter way of
working this out please let me know


gizmo said:
Hi guys,

I have two columns: the first one is the time worked by an employee
([h]:mm:ss --> f.ex. 170:05:00), the second is the salary paid (f.ex.
I would like to calculate the salary per hour, however, if I do just B2/A2,
it gives me 18626:09:49 (in [h]:mm:ss format), and changing format of the
cell to General or Number gives false figures.
Any idea how to calculate it automatically?

Thanks a lot!


Gord Dibben


FYI. Attachments are frowned upon in these Excel news groups.

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Please use private email to send attachments to posters who have specifically
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The rest of us can get by on textual descriptions of problems and possible

Thanks, Gord Dibben Excel MVP

Hi Gizmo

It a bit long winded but I hope this helps, if anyone has a shorter way of
working this out please let me know


gizmo said:
Hi guys,

I have two columns: the first one is the time worked by an employee
([h]:mm:ss --> f.ex. 170:05:00), the second is the salary paid (f.ex.
I would like to calculate the salary per hour, however, if I do just B2/A2,
it gives me 18626:09:49 (in [h]:mm:ss format), and changing format of the
cell to General or Number gives false figures.
Any idea how to calculate it automatically?

Thanks a lot!


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