Calculating Working Weekdays

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Can anyone help me with this please ?

In the context of a recruitment database and the data being job vacancies, I have 2 sets of information - Date Recieved and Origination Date. I am trying to calculate the difference between them in working days.

To do this I am using a query and the expression Expr2: Weekday([DateRecieved])-Weekday([OriginationDate]).
I am using the criteria Between 2 And 6

Unfortunately, the results it brings up make no sense. Some are correct, whilst others are way out.

For example;

Date Recieved Origination Date No of Working days (Expr1)
11/11/03 28/9/03 2
21/11/03 18/11/03 3 (this is correct)
24/10/03 15/10/03 2

I would be very grateful to any one who could point me in the right direction. Thanks
Start with the Access MVPs:

hope this helps.
-----Original Message-----
Can anyone help me with this please ?

In the context of a recruitment database and the data
being job vacancies, I have 2 sets of information - Date
Recieved and Origination Date. I am trying to calculate
the difference between them in working days.
To do this I am using a query and the expression Expr2: Weekday([DateRecieved])-Weekday([OriginationDate]).
I am using the criteria Between 2 And 6

Unfortunately, the results it brings up make no sense.
Some are correct, whilst others are way out.