I've been looking for a template that does this with no luck. It's just the formula I need... I need it to calculate time worked, minus a 30 minute break (without actually entering the break). So in other words, if the shift is 5 hours or more, then they have a 30 minute break (9:00 am - 5:00 pm = 7.5 hours worked). If the shift is less than 5 hours they have no 30 minute break (12:00 pm - 4:00 pm = 4 hours worked).
The reason for not putting in when the break takes place is because there will not be a set time for it... just some time during that shift they will have it.
Thans in advance
The reason for not putting in when the break takes place is because there will not be a set time for it... just some time during that shift they will have it.
Thans in advance