is there a way to create a formula that changes the name of a sheet within
another formula. In other words, the following is a reference to an external
workbook within an IF Function -- '[SDS.xls]we121'!$L$3. The sheet name we121
will change on a wkly basis by 7 days. I would like to have the formula
automatically look at the worksheet that is we121+7 OR we128. Is it possible?
Thank you.
another formula. In other words, the following is a reference to an external
workbook within an IF Function -- '[SDS.xls]we121'!$L$3. The sheet name we121
will change on a wkly basis by 7 days. I would like to have the formula
automatically look at the worksheet that is we121+7 OR we128. Is it possible?
Thank you.