calculating sheets



I have a worksheet for each month. In the worksheet is a sheet for each day
of the month and a total sheet at the end. In each sheet the part amounts
are totalled for that day and then summed into the total sheet. What i want
to do is that after the part amount reaches a certain limit a message appears
beside it in th total sheet and have a reset button which starts the part
amount totalling from the next day onward. I have this set up already but
the coding for the reset button is going to take ages to do because when my
reset button is pressed it searches throught the days sheets and clears the
day totals to zero. Problem is i have over 100 parts so i will need to code
over 100 reset buttons.


Is it possible to use a "Workshhet event" to check for your condition and
then initiate the actions to clear the totals? The code (I expect) would be
identical for each sheet.

This would remove the need for your rest button(s).


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