Calculating Quarters from Dates

  • Thread starter Thread starter dwake
  • Start date Start date


I am looking at showing the quarter a selective date is in i.e. 9-Dec-09
would be 4Qtr09.s Any code that can do this without having to go in to do it
manually? The amount of data in the column is also constantly changing so I
would need the code to loop until the end of the data. Any help would be

Date Quarter
9-Dec-09 4Qtr09
1-Jan-10 1Qtr10

The data in these columns are generated using a macro and will not always
have the same number of rows.
you can use VLOOKUP. create a column next to your date. in that column,
format the date to be MM-YYYY. Create a VLOOKUP table that has one column of
MM-YYYY and the other column of NQtrYY
I use this formula to show the fiscal year and quarter:

Where # represents the first month of the fiscal year.

So if the fiscal year starts on July 1st, then I'd use:

In your case, since Jan 1st is the start of the fiscal year:

(I like the FY####Q# format--it makes it easier to sort in nice order.)

Ps. If you're doing this to group dates in a pivottable, you don't need to.
Pivottables have a group by quarter feature (and it uses calendar quarters like
For the calendar quarters:

1/1 - 3/31 = 1
4/1 - 6/30 = 2
7/1 - 9/30 = 3
10/1 - 12/31 = 4


Or, because some international settings handle the TEXT function
