Please help. If I'm in the wrong board, please let me
know. I need to calculate how long it takes someone to do
a particular task, then calculate how long it should've
taken them to perform the task based on benchmarks. An
Process mail 25 pieces @ 25 mins total = 1 min
My first question is do I want to use the short time in
the table and base my calc on that, ie
Task count mins Mins/Trans
Process mail 25 0:25 0:01
When I use this, if there are no minutes in the table, I
still get mins/trans somehow, so I've tried :
SELECT Mail.Team, Mail.Task, Mail.Processed,
Mail.HrsWorked, Format([hrsworked]/[processed],"hh:nn:ss")
AS MinsPerTrans
FROM Mail;
Can somehow please advise as to the best way to calculate
this type of data when there are hours:mins divided by a
whole number.????? I think I'm almost there but I'm
missing something. Thank you very much.
know. I need to calculate how long it takes someone to do
a particular task, then calculate how long it should've
taken them to perform the task based on benchmarks. An
Process mail 25 pieces @ 25 mins total = 1 min
My first question is do I want to use the short time in
the table and base my calc on that, ie
Task count mins Mins/Trans
Process mail 25 0:25 0:01
When I use this, if there are no minutes in the table, I
still get mins/trans somehow, so I've tried :
SELECT Mail.Team, Mail.Task, Mail.Processed,
Mail.HrsWorked, Format([hrsworked]/[processed],"hh:nn:ss")
AS MinsPerTrans
FROM Mail;
Can somehow please advise as to the best way to calculate
this type of data when there are hours:mins divided by a
whole number.????? I think I'm almost there but I'm
missing something. Thank you very much.