Calculating number of weeks from two dates



Hi, I'm both new here and to Excel generally!

I'm running Excel 2003.

I've designed a spreadsheet for my work to calculate holiday taken,
days left etc.
To make my job easier(!) I'm using (attempting to use!) formulae.
I can calculate days & hours taken for a given period but what I would
like to do is calculate the number of weeks from two dates (date leave
started to date leave ended.)

EG: week leave started is 03/01/05 week leave finished is 23/01/05 = 2

Is this possible?


Bryan Hessey

The DateDif will do this, assuming the start date is in A1, the end dat
is in A2, and A3 is formatted to Number, no decimal places.


should give you what you need.

Ron Rosenfeld

Hi, I'm both new here and to Excel generally!

I'm running Excel 2003.

I've designed a spreadsheet for my work to calculate holiday taken,
days left etc.
To make my job easier(!) I'm using (attempting to use!) formulae.
I can calculate days & hours taken for a given period but what I would
like to do is calculate the number of weeks from two dates (date leave
started to date leave ended.)

EG: week leave started is 03/01/05 week leave finished is 23/01/05 = 2

Is this possible?


Not quite sure how you would come up with your answer.

23 Jan 2005 -- 3 Jan 2005 is 21 days (inclusive) so would be three weeks.

In general, you could use the formula:

=(EndDate - StartDate +1) / 7

to get the number of weeks. Enter the dates in cells and substitute cell
references in the formula (or NAME the cells).

But I don't know how you'd get two weeks from those dates.

Excel stores dates as serial numbers, starting with 1 Jan 1900 or 1 Jan 1904
depending on your date system.


Dave Peterson

But the OP did want the number of weeks, not days.

(But Chip's site is an excellent resouce for =datedif().)

Bryan Hessey

Your problem in trying to work in Weeks rather than Days is that 5 days
(Monday to Friday) can be 1 week (ie, a week of leave entitlement) or
3/5 weeks (Thursday to Monday) , or 9 days (Saturday to Sunday-week)
can be 1 week.

You would need to use the Weekday function on the first date and asses
whether a week is 5, 6, 7, 8 or 9 days from that point.

A suggestion is that you work in Days and report the 'Leave Remaining'
in the integer of (days / 5) (as weeks) and days.

Otherwise you need to count the number of non-working days that are in
the period (including public holidays) and subtract them from the
Datedif answer.

Sorry I couldn't be more helpful, and thanks Dave for the reminder of
the Chips site, he has some good stuff there. ('stuff' being a
technical term)

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