calculating hours worked function PLEASE! beg beg

  • Thread starter Thread starter VødkäJéllÿ
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Please could someone help :O)

if I have the 23:00 in one cell and 07:40 in another, what is the formula to
work out the hours worked?

I used to know it, but alas my poor brain has misplaced the answer.

Cheers group

JS said:
this formula will calc difference in time


where A2 = start time and B2 = end time
format the cell you enter this formula into as hh:mm
ok that worked v well :O) thing is the totals come up in hours and minutes
and we need them as hours and fractions ie;
10 1/2 not 10:30

I tried setting the cell to fraction but that didn't work and i tried *24
but that didn't work either!

back to the drawing board!



format result as general, the if part is not really necessary