Hey gang,
Total Access noob here, and reading all of your posts only reassures
me of my newness.
I have a two tables...Customers and Sales
Customers is simply CustomerID, CustName, ContractAmt, and
ContractYr; and Sales includes the following:
(there would also be purchase date information for searching on)
Customer | Item | UnitCost | Qty
Bob Hose $37.00 25
Larry Nails $4.75 100
Bob Sod $0.26 150,000
What I want the query to do is take the unit cost * Qty to get a
record total, then I want to sum the totals all the way down the
record. I would want another query that took those same totals and
broke them out by customer as grand totals only. I don't want to see
all the records, just the totals.
Query results
For contract year 08 Bob's contract was for $10,000.00. He spent a
total of $8,746.98
(the 08 contract amount would be in the Customers table)
It would search through the records, total all of Bob's sales, all of
Larry's sales...etc, and provide annual totals.
I have tried to accomplish this through the wizards with no luck, and
I also tried my hand at doing some expressions with no luck. Any help
you could provide me on this would be awesome.
Thanks In advance
Total Access noob here, and reading all of your posts only reassures
me of my newness.
I have a two tables...Customers and Sales
Customers is simply CustomerID, CustName, ContractAmt, and
ContractYr; and Sales includes the following:
(there would also be purchase date information for searching on)
Customer | Item | UnitCost | Qty
Bob Hose $37.00 25
Larry Nails $4.75 100
Bob Sod $0.26 150,000
What I want the query to do is take the unit cost * Qty to get a
record total, then I want to sum the totals all the way down the
record. I would want another query that took those same totals and
broke them out by customer as grand totals only. I don't want to see
all the records, just the totals.
Query results
For contract year 08 Bob's contract was for $10,000.00. He spent a
total of $8,746.98
(the 08 contract amount would be in the Customers table)
It would search through the records, total all of Bob's sales, all of
Larry's sales...etc, and provide annual totals.
I have tried to accomplish this through the wizards with no luck, and
I also tried my hand at doing some expressions with no luck. Any help
you could provide me on this would be awesome.
Thanks In advance