Oops! I forgot to increment the date. In the revised
code below, I'v also added a decode for the weekday and a
debug line so you can see the progression.
Public Function CalcDaysBetween(dteStartDate As Date,
dteEndDate As Date, booIncludeSunday As Boolean) As Long
Dim lngTotalDays As Long
Dim dteRunningDate As Date
Dim i As Integer
lngTotalDays = DateDiff("d", dteStartDate, dteEndDate)
dteRunningDate = dteStartDate
If booIncludeSunday = True Then
CalcDaysBetween = lngTotalDays
Exit Function
For i = 1 To lngTotalDays
Debug.Print dteRunningDate & ":" &
DecodeWeekday(Weekday(dteRunningDate)) & ":" & IIf(Weekday
(dteRunningDate) = vbSunday, "Excluded", "Included") & ":"
& CalcDaysBetween
If Weekday(dteRunningDate) <> vbSunday Then
CalcDaysBetween = CalcDaysBetween + 1
End If
dteRunningDate = DateAdd("d", dteRunningDate,
Next i
End If
End Function
Public Function DecodeWeekday(intCode) As String
Select Case intCode
Case 1
DecodeWeekday = "Sunday"
Case 2
DecodeWeekday = "Monday"
Case 3
DecodeWeekday = "Tuesday"
Case 4
DecodeWeekday = "Wednesday"
Case 5
DecodeWeekday = "Thursday"
Case 6
DecodeWeekday = "Friday"
Case 7
DecodeWeekday = "Saturday"
Case Else
DecodeWeekday = "Unknown"
End Select
End Function