Calculating cells takes ages




My workbook is fairly advance with a lot of functions in use. It work
perfectly, but the calculating og cells takes ages. It happen
everytime I alter a cell. To me it seems like it checks every cell i
my workbook after every litte input I write.

Is there any way around this problem... it goes so slow...

Tanks in advance.

Roy Endr´

Frank Kabel

you may check your formulas if you use ranges that are too large.
another option would be to disable automatic calculation ('Tools -
Options - Calculate') to speed-up entries and do a manual recalculation


How does a manual recalculation work?

I have many cells that checks for cells between row 7 and row 500. Bu
I really didn't think that Excel checked every cell when I altered
cell... does it?

Thanks for your quick response.

roy endr

Frank Kabel

Excel probably just does exactly this :)
Manual recalculation would only recalculate your formulas if you hit F9

Charles Williams

Hi Roy,
In automatic mode whenever you change a cell Excel calculates all the cells
that are dependent on the cell that has changed (and all their dependencies
and so on) plus all cells that contain a volatile formula and their

In manual mode (tools options calculation) you can alter a lot of cells and
then press F9 whenever you want Excel to calculate your workbook.
Excel shows 'Calculate' in the statusbar whenever it thinks the workbook
needs calculating (there are some excpetions to this but you are not likley
to meet them).

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