What does the NZ stand for? I understand the AVG and the [field1],[filed2]
and so forth, but does the NZ have any significance? I have been trying
average multiple fields in a query, but I am not having any luck.
My example is AVG:AVG([Field1],[Field2]). and AVG:AVG([Field1]+[Field2],
neither one is working for me.
Also can this same calculation be done in a report. I want to average
different fields, but they are not in the same column?
There are no ranges in Access, and you apprently have commited
on youe table. That is, you have used a field (column) instead of a row
store the values. Typically, an Access row for your data would look like:
ID Value Description
instead of:
ID Value Value Value Value etc.
Now to answer your question. Add a column in your query, like:
AverageOfFields: AVG(NZ([Field1]+NZ([Field2]+NZ([Field3]+...)
Arvin Meyer, MCP, MVP
I have a query that contains multiple fields (16) with number data
types. I
want to calculate the averages for the values in those fields. I know
use ranges in Excel, but I haven't been able to figure out the syntax
using ranges in Access or even if I can use ranges.
Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thank you.