Calculating amounts / percentages



I've been trying to create a formula for the following for ages on Excel
2000 but can't get the result I require:

I have one column with cells each containing numbers. The numbers represent
days that payment of an account is overdue by. If the account was paid
before time then the number will be preceded by a negative sign.

I need an equation to count how many entries are in the column and then:

The amount of accounts overdue by 1 to 5 days (and a percentage of this
The amount of accounts overdue by 6 to 10 days (and a percentage of this
The amount of accounts overdue by 11 days or more (and a percentage of this

Any help appreciated, thanks!

J.E. McGimpsey

One way:

Assume your data is in column A. Then:

B1: =SUMPRODUCT(--(A$1:A$1000>=1),--(A$1:A$1000<6))
C1: =B1/COUNT(A$1:A$1000)

B2: =SUMPRODUCT(--(A$1:A$1000>=6),--(A$1:A$1000<11))
C2: =B2/COUNT(A$1:A$1000)

B3: =COUNTIF(A1:A1000,">=11")
C3: =B3/COUNT(A$1:A$1000)

Mathew P Bennett

Hi Sentinel,
One way, using count & if array entered. See below
Your Original data in Column A,

1 Days 01 -05 % 06-10
2 -1
3 0
4 1
5 2
6 3
7 4
8 5
9 6

In B2 array enter this formula
In B3 enter =B2/COUNT(A2:A9)%

Apply simlar to D2, E2 etc... (Just change the values "0", "5" etc to the
ones required)

Hope this helps


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