I've got a table with 10 of 15 fields calculated. I enter data into the
table via a form, which does the calculations. The form works fine, but for
some reason the last 4 calculated fields don't get entered into the table.
Should I even have calculated fields in a table, or should they primarily be
used in queries and on reports?
If ok to put in tables, any idea why the last few calculated fields aren't
being recorded? Then 1 out of maybe 15 records the calculated fields do get
filled! The same data is input for every record. TIA
table via a form, which does the calculations. The form works fine, but for
some reason the last 4 calculated fields don't get entered into the table.
Should I even have calculated fields in a table, or should they primarily be
used in queries and on reports?
If ok to put in tables, any idea why the last few calculated fields aren't
being recorded? Then 1 out of maybe 15 records the calculated fields do get
filled! The same data is input for every record. TIA