Calculated and summed fields

  • Thread starter Thread starter PC
  • Start date Start date


Ok, I have a form which displays a "Budget" amount for a
client and the "Current Balance". On this form, I also
have a listbox which displays one to 'x' number of
invoices that are submitted for payment of which a
calculated field is used to display an "Approved Amount"
for any given invoice. (The "approved amount" is not
necessarily the same as the "billed amount" but we wish to
show both so a user can easily see what was submitted and
what was approved.)

Is there an easy way to sum the listbox "Approved Amounts"
and subtract them from the Budget so the Current Balance
reflects what is really left? Or can someone suggest
another viable alternative?


Thanks. I had not even thought about that one. Sometimes
you get a bit to close to the problem to see the answer.
Thanks again...that should work just fine.