formula =SUM(G1:G781) custom format =hh:mm:ss
The problem is this is note a time like 12:00:13 AM
it is a duration of time 12 hours, 0 min. and 13 seconds.
Sorry I didn't do a good job of explaining that. When I
perform the sum equation i get all 00:00:00's
First of all, you should have brackets around the h's or you will not be able
to display a time > 24 hrs. So the custom format should be [hh]:mm:ss
Second -- if your SUM is resulting in 0's, then the data is stored as text and
not as an excel recognized time.
It would probably be simplest to convert the data to time numbers. To do that
select a blank cell; then Edit/Copy.
Then select your range of time data.
Edit/Paste Special Operation:= Add
This will likely convert your data into small numbers -- e.g. .00128; .0125.
Format the range as hh:mm:ss and you should see your original data.
The SUM should then work.
If you do not wish to alter the original data, try the *array-entered* formula
To array-enter a formula, hold down <ctrl><shift> while hitting <enter>