Thanks Barry for your informative input.
Hi Praveen,
Thank you for your post.
As Barry pointed out, a good expiration policy of is key to your caching
To get memory size of a single type, we can use Type.TypeHandle to get the
basic instance size of this type. You can use following code to test:
using System;
class SimpleClass
private byte b1 = 1; // 1 byte
private byte b2 = 2; // 1 byte
private byte b3 = 3; // 1 byte
private byte b4 = 4; // 1 byte
private char c1 = 'A'; // 2 bytes
private char c2 = 'B'; // 2 bytes
private short s1 = 11; // 2 bytes
private short s2 = 12; // 2 bytes
private int i1 = 21; // 4 bytes
private long l1 = 31; // 8 bytes
private string str = "MyString"; // 4 bytes (only OBJECTREF)
//Total instance variable size = 28 bytes
static void Main()
SimpleClass simpleObj = new SimpleClass();
int basicInstanceSize = GetBasicInstanceSize(simpleObj.GetType());
/// <summary>
/// Gets the size of instances of the given type. It is the sum of:
/// - a fixed object overhead (8 bytes)
/// - the sizes of all the instance fields (note: may include padding)
/// For more information see:
/// -
/// -
/// </summary>
/// <param name="type">A type.</param>
/// <returns>Size in bytes of instances of the given type.</returns>
private static int GetBasicInstanceSize(Type type)
// Read the first 8 bytes (=2 ints) of the MethodTable. The basic
instance size is the second int.
IntPtr methodTableIntPtr = IntPtr.Zero;
methodTableIntPtr = type.TypeHandle.Value;
int[] methodTableData = new int[2];
methodTableData, 0, 2);
int basicInstanceSize = methodTableData[1];
return basicInstanceSize;
if (methodTableIntPtr != IntPtr.Zero)
Hope this helps. Please feel free to post here if anything is unclear.
Walter Wang (
[email protected], remove 'online.')
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