Im sure this has been asked before but i cant seem to find the right code. I
have fields that are Start Time, Finish Time, Lunch In, Lunch Out and Hours
Worked. I would like to create something that calculates the time worked in
between start time and finish time minus the time between lunch in and lunch
out. This would be known as Hours Worked. So if it was 9-5 with an hour for
lunch total hours worked would be 7. All values are in as time except for the
hours worked which would just be a number. Ive seen codes before that
calculate the time in between but im not sure how to calculate the time taken
for lunch also and take this away from the total.
Any help appreciated.
have fields that are Start Time, Finish Time, Lunch In, Lunch Out and Hours
Worked. I would like to create something that calculates the time worked in
between start time and finish time minus the time between lunch in and lunch
out. This would be known as Hours Worked. So if it was 9-5 with an hour for
lunch total hours worked would be 7. All values are in as time except for the
hours worked which would just be a number. Ive seen codes before that
calculate the time in between but im not sure how to calculate the time taken
for lunch also and take this away from the total.
Any help appreciated.